A tasty snack with lots of fruit for everyone to enjoy
Strawberries 4
Blueberries 16
Red Grapes 12
Watermelon 1
Pineapple 1
*Four wooden skewers needed to make kabobs.
Adults: Cut pineapple and watermelon into 4 1-inch pieces.
Together: Skewer all the fruit in a colorful pattern and wrap in plastic and refrigerate until ready to eat.
Did you know? A kiwi fruit has more vitamin C than an orange and is also a good source of fiber.
Kids: Wash the berries and grapes and dry them well.
Sobre esta receta
Porciones: 4
Tiempo de preparación: 20 minutes
Tiempo de cocción: 25 minutes
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Nourish Interactive
¡Aprobado por el Chef Solus!
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