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Summer Berry Sauce

A healthy dessert with lots of fruit that all kids will enjoy


  • Blueberries 1 cup
  • Strawberries, sliced 1 cup
  • 4 kiwis, peeled and sliced
  • Good raspberry jam 3/4 cup
  • Water 3/4 cup
  • Sugar 3/4 cup
  • Lemon juice 1 tablespoon


Kids: Mix all ingredients together in a saucepan.
Together: Simmer for 12-15 minutes. Take 1/4 of the sauce and puree in a food processor or blender.
Adults: Add puree back to the mixture and remove from heat.
Kids: When cooled, serve the berry sauce in individual bowls with floating islands on top

Sobre esta receta
  • Porciones: 1
  • Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutes
  • Tiempo de cocción: 15 minutes
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Meatless Monday Organization
¡Aprobado por el Chef Solus!
¡Esta receta ha sido revisada por nuestros dietistas y ha recibido la aprobación 'Muy Recomendable' del Chef Solus!
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